We are delighted that, yet again, young skydivers have been successful in receiving bursaries from the Royal Aero Club Trust. Their Flying For Youth programme provides financial assistance for young people to progress within a wide range of airsports, with skydiving always being a very popular recipient of awards. This year 13 of the 27 awards have been made to skydivers.
Successful bursary applicants this year are Harrison Young, Joseph Boucher, Abi Elvidge, Morgan Wilkins, Chlöe Lintott, Morgan Roberts, Ciaran Strong, Rebecca Church, Thomas Moses, Stefan Ortega Davies, Harriet Viney, Jamie O’Connor and Jodie-Leigh Foster. All are between the ages of 17 and 24 and the awards have been made for progression towards British Skydiving stickers, qualifications and competitions.
Three of these skydivers were successful in being awarded special ‘named’ bursaries. Harriet Viney (20) is this year’s Patron’s Scholar, Jodie-Leigh Foster (24) receives the George Farha Bursary and Morgan Wilkins (17) was awarded the Jim Crocker Bursary.
David Bills, the Trustee responsible for the administration of the bursary scheme, commented on the high quality of many of the applications received in 2021. He also observed that he was very pleased to see applications submitted from those who are involved in a wide range of air sports. He stressed the important part played by the Trust benefactors, without whose keen support the scheme could not operate. Details of how to become a Trust benefactor or a friend are published on the Trust website, royalaeroclubtrust.org